Friday, December 28, 2012

Shout-Out To The Parelli Central Blog

A few months ago, I submitted a blog post to the Parelli Central team about a mental breakthrough I had conceptualizing my progress with Rydel. At the time, it made a lot of sense for me to hash out my thoughts on paper, but I didn't really expect much to come of it. Well, today I received notification that my submission has been posted on the Parelli Central Blog! I am honored, excited, and a little embarrassed! Of course, I feel like my writing does not have much universal clarity. After all, I had mostly been writing for my own sake, to sort out all my thoughts and emotions. But, nevertheless I am absolutely thrilled to make my first major mark on the Parelli social media world, and I can assure you, it will not be my last!

The Tour Stop that started it all!


  1. That is so awesome!!! Congrats!!! Of course me too having an RBI that won't canter!! This blog post was super!!! By they way, that time you asked me for my lesson info and I said, I would try to tape. Well plans changed again and I don't use that method now. I found out my Haffie cannot trot faster without falling apart. Of course he then cannot offer canter! So I need to trot him faster more often till I get him relaxed and to blow out(then he is soft again and can bend again, not stiff). Then once I get him confident in this gate. Then I can try canter afterwards. I have been working on it a little here and there and behold my little boy can now offer a bit of canter. I have not asked too much yet, since I have been playing outside in the fun snow(I avoid the arena as much as possible, LOL) and I don't want him to slip. But I think I should have it all figured out by spring. I hope! But yes, I LOVED your blog post on Parelli. Great job!!! I just was wondering what part of the body did you plink on? And is plink the same as tapping?? Thanks!!

    1. I plink on the hindquarters the key is to not get faster or stronger, they know you are tapping and are not ignoring you, they are just too RB to respond quickly so you have to be patient. At that moment, it was a difficult decision. I could have done Thunk thunk- on the shoulder and getting increasingly stronger with each thunk, but this is typically used for LB horses. Even though she was LB in that moment, her LB moments rarely last so I knew I was safer to use the plinking.

      Also, I totally understand. Sometimes a full lap of cantering is too much for my RBI. I really have to watch her body language when circling and use lots of transitions or else I will have a catatonic horse! No Joke!

  2. so very cool!! congrats!!!
    i read the post when parelli central posted it and got really excited about it - ohhh i know them :))), it´s melissa and rydel :)). super fun! and super fun how small the world becomes with internet...
