One of the things that differs Parelli from other training programs, is that it focuses on training the human rather than the horse. As the human, this is a very humbling experience, and requires an open mind from the start.
My first insight to the Parelli program was at a tour stop in Columbus, Ohio. One of the take-home messages of that tour stop was that there is no such thing as a bad horse or a problem horse, there are just people who lack the knowledge or savvy to effectively communicate with such horses. As a fourteen year old 4-H student, this blew me away. In the traditional horse world, people "work" their horses. In the Parelli world, we work on ourselves and play with our horses. As someone who has experienced both worlds, I can assure you that Parelli world is much more fun!
In focusing on ourselves, to learn the language of the horse and to become better partners, we take a lot of pressure off the horse and remove the us vs. them mentality that places the blame on the horse. Additionally, framing the session with our horse as play, rather than training or work, is largely for our benefit so that we enter the arena with the right attitude. Horses are instinctually motivated by the need to be safe and comfortable first, and once these needs are met, horses will play. Humans, on the other hand, see working or training a horse as a means to an end. The end, or motivating factor for humans, is usually praise, recognition or, materials things. As a horse-person, it is okay to seek these things out, but a savvy horse-person ensures that the needs of his or her horse come first.
So, what you do have to look forward to in Parelli world? The answer is a beautiful journey of never ending self improvement for yourself that reaps lasting benefits for your horse.