Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekend Fun!

This weekend was an absolute blast. Saturday, Evan and I went to the Kentucky Derby with the OSU Horseman's Association. We didn't win any bets but we had a great time! 

After having such a good time, I went to the barn today and was in such a great mood! Rydel seemed extra cute and being with her made me so happy. Well, I think my good mood must have rubbed off because Rydel was particularly extroverted today and also very left brained!!! It was so much fun, she was following me everywhere and volunteering to play with things like the pedestal and the ball. She gave me some great canter circles and did a LOT of licking and chewing! With us both in a good mood I decided to ride and had a lot more success with saddling this time. We rode for about fifteen minutes but I rarely had to correct with my reins and was happy that Rydel was offering to trot! After I unsaddled we just played around with stick to me and then some undemanding time. All in all a great day and one more success I can attribute to our progress and ever-growing relationship!

Not exactly sure about this one...

You can see Sonny in the background

I'm in love!

1 comment:

  1. oh i didn´t realize that you are both in the same stable! how cool is that!!
    very nice pictures btw! love the dress!
