Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I've been avoiding writing this blog post because I just don't know how to sort out all of the emotions I've encountered this past weekend. Today though, I am refreshed. It was a weekend of total catharsis.

 For those who are not aware, the Parelli's just came to Columbus with their Horse and Soul Tour and I was lucky enough to be accepted to volunteer. There have been defining moments within my horsemanship journey and I must say that volunteering has been added to the list of those moments. In fact, it positively changed my life. Something totally snapped during those 60 hours of sorting, bagging, lifting, explaining, helping, laughing, clapping, and crying (yes, ending with lots of crying)! During my time as a volunteer I went from a Parelli Student, someone who admired the Parelli's wholeheartedly and strived to follow the program in an attempt to better the world for horses and humans, to a Parelli Team-Member, an insider, someone who is personally invested and affected by the success of the team, someone who strives to achieve that success not just for herself but for the good of the whole. We Are Parelli, I Am Parelli, they are one in the same.

Columbus, Ohio 2012

This experience did not just reaffirm my belief that I made the right decision to not give up and get serious about my relationship with my horse, but it has humbled me. I feel grateful to be a part of a group of individuals who care so passionately about one another, who share the same beliefs about horsemanship, and who have a vested interest in changing the horse-world for the better.

Yes, I realize Emily used this picture but It's just SO perfect! My Girls and Pat!
Furthermore, this weekend I learned a lot about myself. I learned that I gain confidence when I'm around like minded people. I also learned that despite this confidence, I'm still an introvert and I bottle my emotions like crazy- bad emotions, good emotions, it doesn't matter. As a result, I sometimes "blow myself up" and end up a blubbery mess trying to say thank you and goodbye to her beloved Parelli Professionals. :D

All in all, I'm addicted. I love this program. I love these people. And I can't wait to volunteer again in Tennessee!

1 comment:

  1. so cool Melissa!!!! wow, you are so lucky, volunteering twice!! and i love your t-shirts! can´t wait for the uk celebration to come!
